Readings by Ahmet ARDIC

Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bican Ercilasun hocamıza teşekkür ederiz.

I. Uluslararası Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları Sempozyumu kapsamında gerçekleşmiş olan sunumumuzu izledi
ği ve değerli fikirlerini bizimle paylaştığı için Prof. Dr. Ahmet Bican Ercilasun hocamızdan teşekkü
r ederiz. Ayrıca, hocamızın moral veren sözleri çalışmalarımızı genişletmek hususunda bizi desteklem

Daha Fazlası

Prof. Dr. Osman Fikri Sertkaya hocamıza teşekkür ederiz

I. Uluslararası Türk Kültürü Araştırmaları Sempozyumu kapsamında gerçekleşmiş olan sunumumuz sonrası
kendisinin bizim çalışmamıza gösterdiği ilgi ve ATA alfabe transkripsiyonuyla ilgili güzel sözleri
için teşekkür ederiz. Prof. Dr. Osman Fikri Sertkaya hocamızdan öğrenecek çok bilgi var ve kitapları
nı dikkatle okuyoruz.

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Thanks to Prof. Dr. Nadir Mammadli

We thank Prof. Dr. Nadir Mehmetli for inviting us to Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences to informed the
m about our VM related study in details. Prof. Dr. Nadir Mehmetli is a doctor of philological scienc
es of AMEA and director general of the Institute of Linguistics named after Nesimi of Azerbaijan Aca
demy of Sciences.

Thanks to Prof. Doc. Asgarov.

Thanks to Linguist Turcologist Prof. Doc. Mayil Asgarov. He is examining the texts of VM pages.
Yesterday, he was announced to some other linguist friends that there are Turkish texts in the conte
nt of the VM, and he also said that he decided to write a short informative article on this subject
too. We thank him for this effort.

Desire to find/explore the unknown

If you want to try to understand an undiscovered and previously unknown subject, you should try
to get into that subject. When you can do that, you already realize that you can move into a differe
nt dimension without having to invent a time machine. ..... / ..... Keşfedilmemiş ve daha ön
ce bilinmeyen bir konuyu anlamaya çalışmak istersen o konunun içine girmeyi denemelisin. Bunu yapabi
ldiğinde bir zaman makinesi icat etmene gerek kalmadan farklı bir boyuta geçebildiğini zaten fark ed

Rûmî said that

“Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon; How much it can fill your room depends
on its windows.” ... Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî (1207 - 1273)

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Rûmî said that

'No matter how much you know, what you say is as much as the other person can understand.' ...
Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî (1207 - 1273)

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Rûmî diyor ki

'Ne kadar bilirsen bil, söylediklerin karşındakinin anlayabildiği kadardır.' ... Mevlânâ Celâleddîn
-i Rûmî (1207 - 1273)

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Rûmî said that

'You can beat forty scholars with one fact, but you can't beat one idiot with forty facts.' ... M
evlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî (1207 - 1273)

Rûmî'nin akıl dolu sözlerinden birisi;

'Bir kanıt ile kırk alimi yenebilirsin, ama kırk kanıtla bir aptalı yenemezsin.' Mevlânâ Celâledd
în-i Rûmî (1207 - 1273)

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Ali Akar

Prof. Dr. Ali Akar (Dean of the Faculty of Turkish Language and Literature of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Uni
versity) and Prof. Dr. Oktay Yivli; Thank you for inviting us as a speaker to the symposium on "Tu
rkish Words in the Voynich Manuscript" that you organized at your university on November 05, 2021.
I would also like to thank them for the certificate of appreciation they presented to me at the e
nd of the day.

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Thanks to Prof. Çetin Kaya Koç

We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Çetin Kaya Koç (Faculty of Art and Sciences Dean of İstinye Univers
ity, İstanbul) who invited us together with Asst. Prof. Dr. Fevzi Çimen (head of Turkish language an
d literature department of İstinye University) to give them a presentation about our VM related stud
y in Jul. 2018. He also shared his constructive opinions with us and with Kanal D TV just after our
presentation in same day. As he stated in the Kanal-D TV main news broadcast published at the same d
ay, he mentioned that there is seen some content in Turkish language in the VM manuscript analyzed s
ection in our presentation session. He stated that it would be necessary to carry out more versatile
studies on the VM pages in order to obtain more explanatory results. Prof. Koç took her precious ti
me to listen to our presentation on the subject. We thank for his valuable time.

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Thanks to Asst. Prof. Dr. Fevzi Çimen

We would like to thank Asst. Prof. Dr. Fevzi Çimen (Head of Turkish Language and Literature Departme
nt of İstinye University, İstanbul) who invited us together with the dean of the department of İstin
ye University to give them a presentation about our VM related study in Jul. 2018. He also shared hi
s constructive opinions with us and with Kanal D TV just after our presentation in same day. He stat
ed that it would be necessary to carry out more versatile studies on the VM pages in order to obtain
more explanatory results. Prof. Çimen took her precious time to listen to our presentation on the s
ubject. We thank for his constructive suggestions and for his valuable time.

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Thanks to Prof. Dr. Ş. Haluk Akalın

We thank to Prof Dr. Şükrü Halûk Akalın for replying to our e-mail letter we sent. Prof. Dr. Şükrü H
alûk Akalın (Hacettepe University, Department of Turkish Language and Literature) in his replied let
ter to us said, "I congratulate you for your work." We thank him for this. We consider that, probabl
y his message was not an announcement to mean that he approves or disapproves of the results of our
study. But we think that he probably wrote this to encourage our work and effort. We thank him for r
eplying to our letter within his busy work schedule.

Thanks to Prof. Birsel Karakoç

Thanks to Professor of Turkic Languages Birsel Karakoç (Uppsala University Department of Linguistics
and Philology) for sharing her opinions with us. Prof. Karakoç took her precious time to listen to
our presentation on the subject. We thank for her constructive suggestions and for the valuable time
she devoted to us.

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Nurettin Demir

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Nurettin Demir (Hacettepe University, Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatu
res Department) for sharing his opinions with us. Mr. Demir took his precious time to listen to our
presentation on the subject. We thank him for his constructive suggestions and for the valuable time
he devoted to us.

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Oktay Yivli

Prof. Dr. Oktay Yivli (Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University Faculty of Literature / Turkish Language and Li
terature Department) took his precious time to listen to our presentation on the VM subject. Mr. Yiv
li sharing his views with us. We thank him for his constructive suggestions and for the valuable tim
e he devoted to us.

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Will this medieval mystery ever be solved?

(By Jane Bracher, for CNN) CNN News about this manuscript published in the media in 2018. / Aut
hor of the article-news: Jene Bracher / Title of the article > The Voynich manuscript: Will this m
edieval mystery ever be solved? / CNN sayfasında 2018 yılında medyada bu el-yazması hakkında yayın
lanmış bir haber. / Haberin yazarı: Jene Bracher / By Jane Bracher, for CNN / AiA Art News-servi
ce / June 15, 2018

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Important Note

Our website is currently under construction. The reason this website’s contents are developing slowl
y is because we edit and add information on our free time. Therefore, the estimated completion of th
is website is still unknown. The base alphabet transcription is corrected and added to this website.
Currently we are working on the combined characters (syllabic characters), the combined characters
that are on this website are mostly corrected but we will revise and simplify the transcription at t
he end of our Voynich Manuscript reading. However, the reading method of the characters are already
simplified in a table with a color coding and added to the top of the combined characters page. If y
ou use any part of our work for academic and or school research (all is copy righted), you’re permit
ted to do so as long as you give a reference to us. If our information is needed for commercial or p
rofessional use (any work out of educational research) you are required to get a separate consent le
tter from us. We trust that you will use information from this website ethically.

Prof F. Cəlilov'a selamlar

VOYNICH əl yazmasının oxunması ilə maraqlanan şəxslərə, Təxminən 600 illik tarixə malik olduğu deyil
ən, ümumdünyada onu Avropada tapdığını bildirən şəxsin adı ilə bilinən Voynich əlyazması üçün Ahmet
Ardıç və oğulları tərəfindən hazırlanan əlifba transkripsiyası, yenə onların tərtib etdiyi oxuma-ara
şdırma işləri, dilə aid çox sayda məsəl və cümlə tərcümələri ilə 23 Sentyabr 2019 cu il tarixində ta
nış oldum. Ahmet Ardıç mənə Azərbaycan Respublikası, Bakı şəhərində bu məsələ ilə bağlı ətraflı təqd
imat etdi. Ahmet Ardıç-ın təqdimatı zamanı bu əlyazmasının Latın əlifbası ilə olan transkripsiyasını
tədqiq etdim. Bu transkripsiyadan faydalanaraq əlyazmasında öz əksini tapan sözlər, ifadələr və cüm
lələr oxunulmuşdur. Sözlər və cümlə quruluşu Türk dili ilə uyğunluq təşkil edərək, Türk dilinin cüml
ə strukturası çərçivəsində hazırki Türk dilinə tərcümə edildikdə aydın və başadüşülən mənalar öz əks
ini tapır. Sadalananlara istinad edərək bu əlyazmanın Türk dilində yazıldığını və bu yazı üçün nəzər
də tutulan əlifba transkripsiyasının da düzgün olduğunu başa düşdüm. Bu məsələ ilə maraqlanan şəxslə
rin nəzərinə çatdırılır. Hörmətlə, Prof.Dr.Firudin Ağasıoğlu Cəlilov

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Thank Prof.Dr. Cəlilov for your time

To those interested in reading of Voynich Manuscript, I have had chance to investigate the claim tha
t Ahmet Ardic and his sons made about the 600 year old Voynich Manuscript that it is written in Turk
ic. Upon studying the transcript Ardic family proposed I was able to independently verify that in fa
ct this manuscript is written in a Turkic language. Ahmet Ardic, during his visit in Baku Azerbaijan
on September 23, 2018 has presented me his findings. After Mr Ardic’s presentation I have had the o
pportunity to evaluate and investigate in detail the Latin alphabet transcription he proposed. Upon
investigating the individual words and the grammar structure it became evident that the manuscript i
s based on Turkish language and the transcript Ardic family proposed successfully translates the man
uscript into Turkic language. The words, phrases and sentences that have been used in this manuscrip
t have been read. Words and sentence structures are in harmony with the Turkish language, and while
translated into the present Turkish language within the structure of the Turkish language, clear and
emerging meanings are reflected. I am glad to bring my independent expert validation of Ardic famil
ies findings to the attention of those who are interested in this subject matter. Sincerely, Prof. D
r. Firudin Aghasioghlu Jalilov

Daha Fazlası

Sn.Turgay Tüfekçioğlu'na teşekkürler

Daha önce Line TV de Sayın Turgay Tüfekçioğlu ile ATA el yazması konusunu ele aldığımız ve iki bölüm
den oluşan programın ilk bölümüne bu linkten ulaşabilirsiniz. Kendisine ve Line TV'de emeği geçenler
e çok teşekkür ederiz.

Daha Fazlası


Dünya genelinde Voynich el yazması olarak bilinen ancak bizim ATA el yazması adını verdiğimiz 1453 y
ılı öncesi el yazmasının Türkçe okumalarına ulaşacağınız TURKICRESEARCH sayfamıza hoşgeldiniz.

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What is Voynich?

Voynich is the name given to a historical manuscript. The manuscript is named after an antiquarian named Voynich (the seller of old and rare books) as he claimed he found it. This manuscript is around 600 years old (1404-1438) and consists of about 240 pages. The writing consists of coding and plain text sections, and the plain text sections are read from left to right, while the coded sections are read by first letters of every line from top to bottom. The coded chapters and the content have been read for the first time due to the ATA alphabet transcription we made, and as we understand from the read chapters, we can say that the manuscript was written before 1453. Today, the original manuscript is found in the library of rare books and manuscripts at Yale University in the United States.

Although this manuscript is related and known by the name of the antiquarian who found it in Europe, we prefer to call the manuscript the ATA Manuscript, as we will disclose our unfortunate discoveries behind the acquisition of the manuscript. In other words, we have strong reason to believe Voynich was a thief, and naming such an artifact after him would be a disservice to history. Yet, more on that later.

ATA Transcription and Author’s Language

ATA Transcription and Author’s Language

The alphabet in which the manuscript was written has never been found before. We have prepared a transcription for this alphabet and called it ATA Transcription. It is possible to read this manuscript in Turkish using this transcription. It has not yet been possible to clarify exactly which of specific Turkish dialects spoken today (or closest one) the author employed. This subject should be further examined by professionals in the field of linguists. Our current conclusion is that the author’s dialect is a mixture of Anatolian, Azerbaijani, and Uzbek as it is congruent to all three. Another possibility is that the Turkish dialect used by the author is one of the dialects that are no longer employed / forgotten today. Since this field is open to linguistic commentary, we will refer to the author's language in the manuscript and in our publications as Turkish and-or Turkic. On this website, you can find our work regarding this manuscript and the disclosure of our (ATA) transcription, as well as various studies of past Turkish dialects to serve as examples.

If you would like to contribute to your reading, you can use the ATA alphabet transcription we have published here. In order to contribute to these readings, you can submit your findings, suggestions and opinions via creating an account with our website.



You can view the original pages of this manuscript in the library of rare books and manuscripts in Beinecke (Yale University Beinecke Rare Book Manuscript Library).
Some of the pages of the ATA manuscript have been lost over time, and we believe that these missing pages have been deliberately torn by Voynich and-or some of his business associates, as they contained Ottoman stamps between random pages to signify who and which library they belonged to.
You can learn more about it in our book. From time to time, we will also share the pages of ATA writing (which have been translated into both today's Turkish and English) on this platform.
You can also find details about how these translations are made in our book. In addition, if you would like to contribute your full-page readings, you can contact us through the “contact” section to submit your findings and-or suggestions.



You can find the sentence readings we made using the ATA alphabet transcription on this page as well as from our books and articles. You may also find our notes on how these readings are made and how the sentences should be examined throughout our publications. Using this platform, we will also try to update or announce our new discoveries as often as possible. ATA alphabet transcription allows the reader to make different readings since some of the text marks are coded to correspond to multiple sound values, as the author does not prefer to write some information explicitly in this manuscript. This will become more evident upon reading our further explanations. Although appearing superficially easy to manipulate, such permutations in fact create more words and only make the transcription harder translate. It is possible these permutations (which can be interpreted in more than one way) have created different words that give meaningful results with multiple possibilities.



If you are a person who knows the Turkish language, you will see some words in the ATA manuscript that have not been in any Turkish dictionary so far, yet you will immediately understand their meaning.
Likewise, there are idioms you will encounter for the first time in this writing.
We also think that some of these idioms may be ones explained by us for the first time, as they have never been shown in a Turkish language dictionary or study.
Some of the figures of speech might be idioms that were popular during the author’s time, or they might be artificially created by the author; nevertheless, we do not know.
If you encounter new idioms while reading the manuscript, please share with us by submitting your inquiries.



Currently, we have read just over 600 different words in manuscript. Since we do our work in our spare time, the progress is incremental. However, as the studies continue, the number of words read increase. All the words found are (and will continue to be) alphabetically presented and updated. Some words that no longer appear in modern dictionaries are defined etymologically, as the root is isolated and defined separately. However, approximately 20% to 21% of the words found in the manuscript are still used today with practically no variation in definition or phonetic values. Since the author, as a traveler, made a trip (from today's Italy to Istanbul) we believe that the author knows some regional languages in the lands he traveled upon. Thus, languages such as Latin and Greek may have been occasionally employed. In addition, the author would probably know the Arabic and Persian languages as many literate Ottoman citizens at that time did, and therefore it would be useful for those who know these languages to try to make word readings based on the ATA alphabet transcription we made. You can share the words you read with us on this page.


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