Original-Latin : OYÇAR OLU
Transcript :
In Folio 8V: The word ALU is written by the author as OLU. Many examples in which the letter O in the author's dialect turns into the A sound in today's Turkey Turkish has already been read in this work. For example, the author wrote OY instead of AY (moon & month), etc. The word ALU means peach (peach tree and peach fruit) in some Kipchak Turkish dialects. However, the same word is used to mean plum plant in different Turkic dialects. This word has other meanings as well. But on page 8v, the other word in meaning to bloom is written next to this word. The words "AÇAR ALU" should mean that it "blooming a peach / blooming peach" or "blooming a plum / blooming plum". In other words, it is understood from the words OYÇAR (AÇAR) "blooming" that this word is the name of the plant and-or its flower. For this reason, we cannot get other meanings of the word on this page. On other pages, the same word is used with different meanings and sound forms. On this page, he tells us the name of the plant. The word OYÇAR in the author's dialect (about 600 years ago) is very close in sound value to the word "açar", which we use today, with a very small phonetic change. In dictionaries you can see this word in the form of "blooming". See: https://sozce.com/nedir/75424-cicek-acmak Please see the meanings of the words "alu / ālu" in these academic articles; http://dspace.yildiz.edu.tr/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1/12760/6125.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y https://turkoloji.cu.edu.tr/ESKI%20TURK%20DILI/suer_eker_divanu_lugatit_turk_iran_dilleri_kopyalar.pdf Note: The word ŞEFTALİ (PEACH), which is a synonym for ALU, is more widely used today. The word ALU is mostly seen in Anatolian dialects as ERİK & ALUÇ (meaning plum) today. However, you can find these words explained with these synonyms in the academic articles whose link I have shared here.