Original-Latin : 8ÇUCSU
Transcript :
The words 8 ÇUCSU / 8 ÇUCU-SU (8 çocuğu > 8 CHILDREN) mean "that eight children", and "the/that/their/those eight children". Because that "-SU" ("-si/-su/-si-/-su") suffixe at the and is English equivalent of "the, that, their,... " . The word ÇOCUK means boy/girl, child, kid, infant, juvenile, youngster, junior, ... etc https://sozce.com/nedir/78044-cocuk The word ÇOCU-ĞU / ÇUCU-SU was written by the author in its abbreviated form. Here it is written by the outhor by dropping the -U- vowel sound in the middle of this word , or the way it is pronounced in the author's dialect as is. And today it can be said in different ways in different dialects. You can see some of them below. https://sozce.com/nedir/78028-cocu https://sozce.com/nedir/78029-cocug https://sozce.com/nedir/78027-cocoh https://sozce.com/nedir/78025-cocih https://sozce.com/nedir/78024-cocig The word "child" in Turkish does not contain gender. In other words, it is not possible to express them with different words in the sense of "boy" or "girl" as in English. If you want to indicate the gender of the child, you can use the expressions as girl-child (kız çocuğu) or boy-child (er/erkek çocuğu). But if you just type ÇOCUK (CHILD) then this can be both a girl and a boy.