Original-Latin : SEM OYU / SEMOYU
Transcript :
On page 82v, two words are written consecutively at the top. Here, the author may have written these words separately in the SAM OYU format or adjacent to the SEMOYU format. However, whether they are written as a compound word or not, their meaning content will be the same in Turkish. In other words, in this case, this has not created an element or difference that can change the meaning. In the manuscript dictionary named "Dîvânu Lugâti't-Türk", (which was written by Kaşgarlı Mahmud in between year1072-1074), some of the meaning content of the word SEM shown that "ilâç, ilâç-yapmak / ilâç etmek, sağaltmak". Which means in English; "medicine, to cure, medicine-making, heal, to medicate, madicine-making". I have previously stated about the function of the suffix -U/-I at the end of the word OYU/AYI and what meaning it adds to the root word. The word, which was written in the form of OY, is now written in the form of AY in Turkey Turkish. However, still in some dialects, there are groups that pronounce this word as OY today. So, OY-U = AY-I. The English equivalent of the word OY/AY is "moon", and "month". In addition, the word OY-U/AY-I is a word that expresses a certain time period. For example, the word ORAK+AYI means "the crops reaping period". So, the word "SEM AY-I / SEM OY-U" (the month of SEM) means "the period in which the drugs are made" and "the madicine-making month". AY > SEM >