Original-Latin : DOLU / DÖLÜ
Transcript : DOLU / DÖLÜ
At the first glance we identified 40 additional Turkish words in the Text Section on Page 115r. Following are 24 of these words. Although this page does not have any illustrations, the page continues the subject of the child labour and surgical procedures as well as the entirety of the pregnancy term. Words on this page were randomly selected, and thus far the results indicate many terms of suggestive precausing or awareness regarding the subject at hand. 1. “DOLU” / “DÖLÜ”: “Full, loaded, fetus, hail, fertility”. The root words are “DOL / DÖL”. “-U, and -Ü” are suffixes. [ See the word DOLMAK/dol-mak ' > You can find the meaning of this word from the address we share in the next column. > The “-mek/-mak” are suffixes of Turkish infinitive. They turn the root word into a verb as well as also a concrete noun. It has no inflection to indicate mood or tense. As a noun it can be suffixed with person and movement suffixes.] 2. “DÖLGÖR”: (Döl+Gör): is a compound word. (Döl görme yolu ile artıp değerlenmek, Döllenmiş olmak) “Progeny-rates, the condition of being pregnant, the moment of pregnancy, expecting, state of being fertilized, the moment when the ovories receive the sperm”. The root words are “DÖL”, and “GÖR”. “GÖR” often appears in dictionaries in its “-mek/-mak” form as “GÖRMEK”. “GÖRMEK”: “Seeing, viewing, monitoring, observing, see into, behold, spot, experience, catch sight of, get sight of, wake to”. (3) “DÖLÇÜ”: (Dölcü = Dölleme işlemini yapan) “The fertilizer”. The root words are “DÖL”. “-ÇÜ”, again indicates tyhhe role/proffestion. (4) “ÇOR”: (Kısır, hasta, acılı, kuru, çocuğu olmayan kimse, kapalı-tıkalı-mahsul vermez) “Barren, infertile, closed/sealed, abortive, dark (interms of predicament; for example, “a drak fate”)”. (5) “OYAR” (will carve-out, will carve) / “O YAR” (His/Her/This/That Sweetheart) / “ÖYER” (Eğer) (If) / O YER” (that place). (6) “SARSUR” (Sarsar/Sarsır in modern Turkish) “Being shocked, having shakes” This word often also appers in its “-mak” form as “SARSMAK”. The root word is “SARS”, “-UR /-AR /-IR” are suffixes. 1. “SAIR” (Sağır), “Deaf” / “SEİR (Seyir, seyirmek, seirmek)”, “cruising, drive slowly, drift, course, run” / “SEĞİR” (agonize, to be at death’s step, be fighting for your own life, linger, watching, moving, walking from one place to another) “ŞAİR” “poet” / “ŞEİR (Şehir)” “city”. However, we believe that in context the word is more descriptive of being “in agony, close to death” and-or being “deaf”. (Clauson, Gülersoy, Orucov, Akalın, Eyüboğlu) 2. “ÇÖP / ÇOP”: “trash, waste, refuse, straw, dregs, leavings, discard, brushing, chip, crud, to reject” 3. “PLAIN”: Since the characters of “P” and “B” are often interchangeable in Turkic, we have accounted for both. The root might be “BL / BİL / BEL” and-or “PL/PİL/PEL”. There are common meanings between “BEL” and “BİL” (“PL/PİL”). Pilan/Plan (The roots are; “PİL” (Pilen), “BEL” (Bel-en, Belen), “BİL” (Bilen, Bilein) are all synonymous words that only differ due to dialectic phonology. The common meanings for these terms are: Bil: Zaman (time) Bilmek: (to know) Bilen: Bilgili, görgülü, anlayışlı (Knowledgeable, well-mannered, considerate) Belen: (knowing, conversant, cognizant, recognizant, au fait). In addition to this, the term is synonyms with “BOYUN” (neck, cervix, scrag, ervical, jugular). Furthermore, additional definitions include “arazi yapısı ve topografi ile ilgili muhtelif kelimelerdir” (land structure and topography). Pelen: Bilgi, ustalık (being and expert in something, being full of knowledge, mastery, expertise, expertness, specialty). Upon looking at all of these definitions, it became evident that the general definition (common) between all is “the recording and-or acknowledgment of knowledge or topographical identification”, “the process of making plans for topographical content or specific knowledge”. Also Upon researching etymological roots and dating, we believe that it may be possible that the word “Plan” in English is a derivative of the word “PILAIN” in old Turkic as they share a common definition. En: Genişlik (width, breadth, extent, amplitude, wideness). If we look at the word as a compound one, the second root is “EN”. In accounting for the meaning of “EN”, the compound word can be translated as “knowing width”, “knowledge of wideness/amplitude”, “knowing the extent”. In other words, this term is referring to an understanding of specific measurements of sorts. 4. “PÇGU” Since the characters of “P” and “B”, as well as “K” and “G” are often interchangeable in Turkic, we have accounted for both. It is also important to consider the fact that the last letter “-U/-Ü” is an object specifier suffix. The word can be read in these ways: “PıÇıGu”: In modern Turkish the word appears often as “biçiği (or kesiği)” which means “His/Her/It’s own cut, the wound”. In Azerbaijani Turkic, there is a closer relative to this word. That word is “biçik” and it means “the cut area”. “PüÇüGü” (Püçük): Kuyruk sokumu (sacral canal, sacrum, the end of the spinal column (formed by the sacrum and coccyx), tail end), Some of the additional meanings of, “PÇGU”, and “PÇGÜ” (Piçig, Piçik and Püçük) are: “piggy, small, punch, the pierce, the puncture, gnawing something, the hole, the perforate, the end of the spinal column” (11) “UÇIZ (Ucuz) “cheap”” / “ÜÇİZ (Üçüz/Üç-üz)”; “THIRD (Three-face)” / “three, triplet, tripartite, three/triplets born, cheap, inexpensive, low, trumpery, three-sided, three-branched (something), made up of three parts (set of), triplets”, (üçüz kardeşler) “a set of triplet’s” (12) “DOLARAK” and-or “DÖLEREK”: The root word can be both “DOL” and “DÖL”. “DOLARAK”: “TO FILL” (filling, stuffing). This word typicaly appears in its “-mek/-mak” affixated form. “DÖLEREK”: (“DÖLLE-YEREK / DOLLA-YARAK”) “progeny, offspring, semen, race, spawn, fruit, progeniture fecundate, make/making a woman pregnant”. The root word is “DÖL”, “Baby, semen, sperm, seminal fluid, seed, come, spermatic fluid”. This word also typically appears in its “-mek/-mak” affixated form. (13) “POZ” (Poz / boz / pozmak / bozmak): The Azerbaijani word “POZMAK” is presented as “BOZMAK” in Anatolian Turkish. The root of this word is “BOZ/POZ”, while “-mak” is a suffix of Turkish Infinitive. The translation of this word in English is “gray, distorted, perversion, erasing, to erase, undo” (the additional translations can be scene in the link below). (14) “ÇÖZ” (Çöz / bağırsak): “Solve, remove, unravel, decipher, figure out, untangle, analyze, analyze, solve, sort out, clear up, bowel, bowels, intestine, enteron, intestinal” (15) “EBSEM”: Susma, (silence). “EPSEM”: Sessiz, sakin ve sessiz olma, ses çıkarmayan, susan. (silence, quiet, silent, silent person, to be silent) Based on root words “EB”, “OB”, and “OP” meaning: “Discharge, pull out.” (pulling out the baby during birth). (16) “ZOR”: “Difficult, hard, arduous, tough, complicated”. (17) “OLGU”: Case, phenomenon, fact, event, made “OLUGU” (Oluk’u): the groove, the gutter, the chute, the channel (“-u/-ü” is a suffix, “Oluk” is a root) “ÖLGÜ”: Islak, yaş, nem, ölü, ölmüş olma, “the damp, the wet, the moist, the humid, dewiness death, to be dead, the death”. (“-gü or -ü” is a suffix, “ÖL” is a root) (18) “ARAP” / “ARAB”: “Arab, Arabic, Arabian, black”. (19) “ÇAM”: “PINE”, “Pine”, “evergreen” “ÇEM”: Zararlı otlarla dolu olan yer “the place where it is full of harmful grass/weeds”, çayır çimen “meadow, grass”, bodur ağaçların bulunduğu yer “place with dwarf trees”. (20) “ÖRENOK”/ “ÖRENEK” (“Örnek” / (Oran-Eki = Oran Ek = Örnek)): “Example, pattern, sample, instance, model, specimen, representative, reference”. (21) “SOR”: “to ask” “SORMAK”: Soru sormak “asking questions”, soğurmak “absorb”, içine çekmek, emmek “suck, soak, suck in, absorb, soak in, attract, take, draw, withdraw, pull”. (22) “İYEM ÖSÜ (İYEM ÖZÜ)”: “The extract of beautifulness, beauty essence, the essence of the goodness, an extract/oil for the uterus (-?-)” The last letter “-Ü” is an object specifier suffix. (ÖZ-Ü) İYEM: Güzellik, “beautifulness, charms, niceness, prettiness” ÖZ: Embiryo “embryo”, ilik “marrow”, yağ “oil” as well as “self, itself, core, essence, substance, quintessence, extract, pith, content, soul, extraction, gist, distillate, epitome, cream, elixir, essential oil, medulla, goodness, substratum, compendious” (23) DOOR: Can also be found as “doğar, doğur, and doğor” in other Turkic dialects. This word can be translated as “to give birth”. “DOĞURMAK”: “Breed, bear, give birth, procreate, engender, cause, generate” The root word is “DOĞ” which indicates “birth”. (24) ARAPOTU / ARAP-OTU: Dağ Sümbülü. “Arabian Plant, Arabian herbs” (Muscari neglectum, Liliaceae-Muscari / Bellevalia). The last letter “-U” is an object specifier suffix. (OT-U) OT: “Plant, grass, weed, herb, hay, herbage” Not: Türk dili konuşulan farklı bölge ve ağızlarda DÖL / TÖL sözcüğünün "çocuk" anlamında da kullanıldığı bilinmektedir. Ayrıca, döl / töl sözcüğünün "canlıların üremesi sonucu ortaya çıkan yeni birey", "erkek", "zürriyet", "nesil", "soy" ve "yavru" anlamında kullanıldığı da bilinmektedir. Bütün bunlara ilave olmakla, döl / töl sözcüğü "inek, koyun, keçi, köpek, kedi gibi hayvanların yavruları" için de kullanılmaktadır. Bakınız: Aydemir, H. (2018). “Çocuk” Sözcüğünün Etimolojisi Üzerine. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi, (12), 1-18. DOI: 10.29000/rumelide.472749 <>