Original-Latin : ŞEİNÖS UÇCAPOŞ
Transcript :
From the folio 16r The author wrote this first word as ŞEİNÖS. We know from the evolution process of the words of the Turkish language that one of the conjoined vowels disappeared over time (mostly the second one fell off). There are thousands of examples of this in our language, and we have already shown examples in the VM-manuscript. (For example, the author writes the word ŞALAK (cucumber) as ŞAILAK.) Thus, we can say with great clarity that this word is the word ŞENÖS. We have also identify in different word examples that the author wrote the word ÖZ which we use today, in the form of ÖS. In fact, Z > S sound transformations are frequently seen between different dialects of Turkish. This is a compound word as ŞEN+ÖZ. And the root of this word is ŞEN+. Some of the semantic content of the word ŞEN as an adjective; (If we write the English equivalent) are; Merry, cheerful, gleeful, jolly, cheery, blithe, jaunty, eupeptic, convivial, frolicsome, merrymaking, mirthful, sportive, breezy, jocund, ... etc. ŞEN: https://sozce.com/nedir/295751-sen The second component (final part) of this word is the word +ÖZ. Some meanings of the word ÖZ are: Extract, essence, substance, core, quintessence, pith, content, soul, gist, matter, elixir, ... etc. ÖZ: https://sozce.com/nedir/250608-oz When these two words are used together (as like ŞEN ÖZ / ŞEN+ÖZ), the meaning of "joyful essence"/"merrymaking extract" is formed. In different dialects of the Turkish language, the words ŞEN and NEŞE are used interchangeably to create words that can be used with the same meaning. For example, the words "NEŞE-lenmek" and "ŞEN-lenmek" can mean the same because their root meaning content is mostly the same. The word NEŞE in some dialects is also used as the name and/or adjective of some of the plants that have a narcotic effect. But in fact, we see these two words (ŞENÖZ) in the form of nouns as compound words. ŞENÖZ: "İçinde mutluluk ve sevinç bulunan şey" in Turkish. ŞENÖZ in English; The thing in which there is happiness and joy. / That which contains happiness and joy.) To see this ŞENÖZ meaning (as a noun) on the dictionary page, please see this > https://sozce.com/nedir/295845-senoz So the author seems to have used these (ŞEN ÖZ / ŞENÖZ) words together as an adjective or directly as a noun to describe this plant. The other word is a word written in the form of UÇCAPOŞ. This word is also formed by combining two separate words (UÇCA + POŞ). The first of these is the word UÇCA. The words in today's modern Turkish, which are close to this word in phonetic value, are UCA (lofty, high, sublime, supreme, exalted, noble) and UÇÇA (slow). UCA: https://sozce.com/nedir/319642-uca UÇÇA: https://sozce.com/nedir/319892-ucca Here, the word that the author writes in the POŞ form is the word HEAD, which is close to it as a phonetic value. Already in the content of the VM manuscript, many other examples have been read in which the old O sound of many words has turned into the A sound today, and the P sound is transformed into the B sound here. P>B and O>A sound changes are also a common occurrence among different dialects. Some of the semantic contents of the word BAŞ (POŞ) are; head, grand, ... etc. BAŞ: https://sozce.com/nedir/35780-bas In other words, the compound word written in the form of UÇCAPOŞ (UCA+BAŞ or UÇÇA+BAŞ) means "high head" or "slow head". In this case, if we want to express the meaning here in English by reading these words we have marked here, we can write the following: ŞEN+ÖZ UCA+BAŞ / ŞEN+ÖZ UÇÇA+BAŞ = "joyful essence slow/high head extract" and-or "merrymaking extract slow head" -or- ŞENÖZ UCA+BAŞ = "The high-head in which there is happiness and joy", "The thing in which there is happiness and joy high head", or "the happiness and joy high head", ... etc. Frankly, looking at the meaning created by these words, I think that these words may have been used together as an adjective or analogy. When we will read the whole of this 16r page, it is probably possible for us to make a clearer translation. I hope, it would be more accurate to evaluate these words together with linguist Turcologists.