Original-Latin : OILAX/OLAX ERÜ
Transcript : OILAX ERÜ
Lets us give an example of a reading from the name of horoscope also. This two words read are taken from the page F67 below. http://www.turkicresearch.com/images/pages/686cb4df-7211-4dc5-99f0-b96a422e0a0e_67v.jpg You can see the meaning content of the word Capricorn on this dictionary page> https://sozce.com/nedir/239674-oglak K> X> H phonetic value transformation is a very common condition in the words of different dialects of Turkish and examples of this can be see throughout both written and oral Turkish in history are known. You can see the meaning content of the root form of the word er on these dictionary pages> https://sozce.com/nedir/114008-er & https://sozce.com/nedir/114008-er-i & https://sozce.com/nedir/114008-er-ii-ir You can see about the function of the -Ü direct object suffix (-i/-ı/-u/ü) in the end of the word ER-Ü here > https://www.gravityturkish.com/manisa/faq.htm#faq14 (Mening of the word ER in Türkish are in Englis like; "man, husband, person, soldier, valiant, brave, hero) In this source, you can see that the word OĞLAK is written in the dictionary of Divan-i Lugati't-Türk, written by Kashgari in 1073, in this source. > https://www.nisanyansozluk.com/kelime/o%C4%9Flak In the old Turkish period of the word "er" in the meaning of “man [[Orhun inscriptions, in 735] is known. In the year 735, the word was used in this sentence: "tirilip yetmiş er bolmış". This word (er) is still used in the same way and with in same meaning content in almost all written examples of Old & modern Turkish language. See > https://www.nisanyansozluk.com/kelime/er Note: Many Language scientists often not see any connection with the Turkish ER to Latin word "vir", German "Herr", Sumerian "ir", English "-er" (as like "Teach-ER", etc.). However, most probably there is a connection like that. This is true for the linguists who do not know Old Turkish in depth and who make up on the inference of "Western cowboy dreaming linguistics". See here to see when the earliest written form of the -er suffix appeared in western etymological dictionaries (whereas each suffix from past roots should have been a standalone word in the distant past. So logic says it's wiser to think about it): https://www.etymonline.com/word/-er?ref=etymonline_crossreference#etymonline_v_26014