Original-Latin : ÖPGEK
Transcript : ÖPGEK / OPGAK
The word may have been used to mean 'lungs' or 'lung'. The word ÖPGE is used in the sense of lung. The word is in the form of ÖPKE in some dialects. The word suffix -K at the end of the word is a reduction suffix. This word is mentioned in the dictionary of Divanü Lügati't-Türk, written by Kaşkarlı Mahmut, in the sense of both liver and lung. The word is also phonetically close to the word "ÖFKE" in some dialects. It has been recorded that it was used instead of the word ÖFKE (angry) in the Divanü Lügati't-Türk manuscript. Please see the source about the suffix -k (U.Ü. FEN-EDEBİYAT FAKÜLTESİ SOSYAL BİLİMLER DERGİSİ Yıl: 17, Sayı: 28, 2015/1 +Ak ve +(I)k EKLERİNİN TÜRKİYE TÜRKÇESİ AĞIZLARINDA KULLANIMI ÜZERİNE BİR DEĞERLENDİRME / Fatih ÖZEK): +Ak and +(I)k are diminutive and caritative suffixes that have been used since Old Turkish. In accordance with their diminutive and caritative funtions, they are used to derivate names of baby animals, a piece of an object or small objects with the time. But the use of the suffixes seems to be limited both in hstorical and modern periods of Turkish. Today, the use of the suffixes can be seen in a few words in the written language of Turkey Turkish. +Ak and +(I)k are also used in Tukey Turkish sub-dialects. Based on the examples in Compilation Dictioanary, it can be inferred that the use of the suffixes are more widespread in sub-dialects than that of in historical and modern periods of Turkish. Also the suffixes gained various funtions related to the original ones. In numerous words the presence of the suffiexes can be determined. In this work, the semantic relations between roots and stems of these words are studied. From this point of view, In this study it is aimed to determine the funtions and general aspects of the suffixes in Tukey Turkish sub-dialects. See this link: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/236003 Sözcük 'akciğercik' veya "ciğercik" anlamında kullanılmış olabilir. ÖPGE sözcüğü akciğer anlamında kullanılmaktadır. Sözcük bazı ağızlarda ÖPKE biçimindedir. Sözcük sonundaki -K sözcük-eki küçültme ekidir. Bu sözcüğün Kaşkarlı Mahmut tarafından yazılmış olan Divanü Lügati't-Türk adlı sözlükte hem ciğer hem akciğer anlamında geçmektedir. Sözcük bazı ağızlarda ÖFKE sözcüğünün de fonetik yakınıdır. Divanü Lügati't-Türk elyazmasında da ÖFKE sözcüğü yerine kullanıldığı kaydedilmiştir.