Original-Latin : OLOZ / OıLOZ
Transcript :
Right next to one of the star drawings on Page 68r, we can read the word OLOZ written by the author. Today, we write and pronounce this word as ALAZ in Turkey Turkish. The OLOZ form in the dialect of the author and the word ALAZ in today's Turkish are very close to each other in terms of phonetic value. The word has evolved from the YALAZ / YOLOZ form to ALAZ with the loss of the use of the leading Y- consonant in the language. It is known that this word in Old Turkish is also seen in some dialects with ÖLEZ, ÜLEZ and ALOZ forms. The ÖLEZ form is also used in the sense of "dying light", "being too weak for fire/flame/light", "weak light source", "being in a state of being extinguished", "the sun/star set period (batmakta olan güneş)", or "something whose light is about to die". Etc. See the glossary page for ALAZ / YALAZ; See the glossary page for ÖLEZ; See the glossary page for ÜLEZ; See the glossary page for ALOZ; The most commonly used meanings of this word today are "flame" and "fire". And it can be said that the root meaning of the word ALAZ / YALAZ has contain that meaning of light, heat, flame, fire and star/star-light etc. For those who want to read an academic article on about that the words Yıldız, Alev, Alaz / Yalaz, Işın and Işık (star, flame, ray and light) are derived from the same common root word in Turkish, we can recommend an academic article written by Associate Prof. Dr. Fatma Özkan in 2003. (Here is the source: Gazi University Faculty of Arts and Sciences / Turkish Language and Literature / Ankara <Özkan, F. (2003). Where Do The Words Ray and Light Come From? . Bilig , (27) , 157-178 . Retrieved from tr/en/pub/bilig/issue/25397/267993>) Because of the content of this root meaning, our scientists, who use the Turkish language as the language of science today, use the name ALAZ in naming some stars and celestial bodies and/or celestial events. For example, another of the commonly used meanings of this word ALAZ / YALAZ is "mass of hot and luminous gas that comes out with combustion", and "tongue of burning and luminous gases, extending in different shapes and sizes", and "star-flame/flame". See the glossary page for ALAZ; See the glossary page for YALAZ; The word ALAZ is also mentioned in Turkish mythology and it is known that this word is also used as a person-name apart from being used to name some plants. The word widely used as the synonym of ALAZ is the word ALEV (flame). This word is also the name of the "Fire God" in mythology (and folk legends). It is accepted that the God of Fire is in the sky, like a star. This name is also seen in the names of people as "Alas-Batyr" and "Alaz Khan". (See; <> & <>) We see this name in some plant species with its synonym "Alev Yıldızı" (Flame Star). For example, the plant "Mentzelia laevicaulis" is called as "Alev Yıldızı (Flame Star)" in Turkish. (In fact, many varieties of the Mentzelia plant are called by the same name in the Turkish language.). The plant called "Liaris Spicata" is also known as "Flame Star" (Alev Yıldızı) in some dialects. Although some of the names are not live in our today's Turkey Turkish language with their synonyms, we can probably think that these nomenclatures coexisted in different dialects of the Turkish language in the past. (See; <> & <>) Sometimes for persons, this name is used as an adjective or middle noun. It is also written that the astronomical object called "Alev Yıldızı (Flame Star)" is called "T Coronae Borealis". (See; <> & <> & <>) The word ALAZ also has been using in Azerbaijani Turkish in the sense of "alev" (flame) & "köz" (ember). See; In fact, we show all the words we mentioned by referencing their pages in real dictionaries. However, sometimes the synonyms or meaning content can be matched correctly by the google translate page algorithm. See "alev, alaz, yalaz, yıldız, alev yıldızı, yalaz yıldızı, alaz yıldızı" etc.